Visa Types

A brief summary of types of visas and requirements is given below. For detailed information regarding all types of visas, Please refer to the website:

  • Business Visa is applicable to foreign nationals who wish to visit India to/for:-
  • establish an industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up an industrial/business venture, other than Proprietorship Firms and Partnership Firms, in India.
  • purchase/sell industrial products or commercial products or consumer durables.
  • technical meetings/discussions, attending Board meetings or general
  • meetings for providing business services support.
  • recruitment of manpower.
  • foreign nationals who are partners in the business and/or functioning as Directors of the company.
  • consultations regarding exhibitions or for participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, business fairs etc.
  • transact business with suppliers/potential suppliers at locations in India, to evaluate or monitor quality, give specifications, place orders, negotiate further supplies etc., relating to goods or services procured from India.
  • foreign experts/specialists on a visit of short duration in connection with an ongoing project with the objective of monitoring the progress of the work, conducting meetings with Indian customers and/or to provide technical guidance.
  • pre-sales or post-sales activity not amounting to actual execution of any contract or project.
  • foreign trainees of multinational companies/corporate houses coming for in-house training in the regional hubs of the concerned company located in India.
  • foreign nationals coming as tour conductors and travel agents and /or conducting business tours of foreigners or business relating to it, etc.
  • foreign academicians/ experts coming under GIAN (Global Initiative for Academic Networks).
  • crew members of scheduled/ non-scheduled flights operated by scheduled airlines, non-scheduled and chartered flights operated by non-scheduled airlines and special flights.
  • foreign nationals intending to visit India to participate in cultural events/ activities with remuneration.
  • foreign nationals who are engaged in commercial sports events in India on contract 
  • Business visa holders are required to register themselves with the FRRO/ FRO in case the aggregate stay in India exceeds 6 months during a calendar year.
  • Foreigners intending to visit India for employment purposes may note that in cases where they are paid salary/ remuneration outside India, they would be granted Business Visa.
  • Copy of MoU if going as an Advisor for a project.

Documents required

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • Two photographs. For photo requirements, visit India Visa Online (
  • A Letter of invitation from the Indian company stating the purpose and duration for which visa is requested.
  • Business card of the applicant.
  • A letter from the company on whose behalf the applicant is travelling, precisely stating the purpose, duration and the financial obligations of the visit, the expertise of the applicant and the length of his employment with the company. This letter should be on company letterhead and written in English with a stamp and signature.
  • A letter from the Indian company, addressed to the Consulate General of India, Hamburg (Germany), specifying the exact purpose of the visit and the expected start and end dates planned. This letter should be on company letterhead and written in English with a stamp and signature.
  • Certificate of Incorporation of the company in India.
  • Business visas - undertaking from the concerned Indian company on the following lines :
  • Format of undertaking:
  • We take full responsibility for the activities and conduct of Mr/Mrs/Ms __________ national of _________ during his/her stay in India. If anything adverse comes to notice during this period, we undertake to repatriate him/her at our cost. Date/Seal __________ Signature of competent authority.
  • Additional documents mentioned below as per individual case
  • If the applicant is self-employed / auto-entrepreneur in Germany:-
  • Copy of registration proof of the company
  • If the applicant owns a business in India:-
  • Copy of Memorandum and/or shareholdings of the company
  • If applicant is holding a Chinese passport:-
  • Letter of invitation must be stamped by the Indian Chamber of Commerce

For FAQs regarding Business Visa, Please click here

  • Foreign nationals are granted Conference Visas on production of an invitation to a conference/seminar/workshop being organized in India.
    For business meetings or board meetings, to discuss business matters of a particular company/organization, a foreigner may obtain Business Visa.
  • May refer to for more details.

Documents required:

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Letter from the Institution represented in Germany.
  • Letter of invitation from the Indian organization organizing the Conference/Seminar.
  • Political clearance from the Ministry of External Affairs.
  • Clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs (when applicable)
  • If holding a Travel document (refugee passport)
  • Bank account statements for the last 3 months.
  • I hereby certify that I have submitted a complete application and that I know and accept the minimum processing time required for my visa application.
  • Date:
  • Signature:

Documents required:

  •  Original passport with minimum 6 months validity with minimum 2 blank pages.
  • Verbal Note.
  • Visa validity and number of entries depends on each application, depending on the requirement.
  • An Employment Visa (E-1 or E-2 or E-3) may be granted to a foreigner subject to fulfilment of the following conditions:
  • The applicant is a highly skilled and/or qualified professional, who is being engaged or appointed by a company/ organization/ industry/ undertaking in India on contract or employment basis

Documents required:

  • Original passport with minimum 6 months validity and 2 blank pages.
  • City registration with minimum 2 years stay for non-German nationals.
  • Proof of educational qualifications
  • Letter from his previous German company if applicable.
  • Visa validity and number of entries depends on each application, depending on the requirement.
  •  Original copy of Employment Contract between Indian Employer and applicant. Contract is to be signed by both parties on each page. Salary/ remuneration paid in India and in Indian Currency only  (more than INR.16.25 lacs per annum)
  • If travelled previously on Employment visa, a copy of IT return to be attached for the previous employment period.
  • There shall be a separate letter by the Indian employer, listing all payments made to the employee outside India by parent/ subsidiary/sister entity or otherwise, including social security, pension and any other contributions in Germany or elsewhere to the nearest approximate value in original currency as well as Indian Rupees. The employer shall state in this letter that all such income shall be disclosed in the income tax return in India for the employee.
  • Employment Visas - undertaking from the concerned Indian company on the following lines :
  • Format of undertaking:
  • We take full responsibility for the activities and conduct of Mr/Mrs/Ms __________ national of _________ during his/her stay in India. If anything adverse comes to notice during this period, we undertake to repatriate him/her at our cost. Date/Seal __________ Signature of competent authority.
  • For Employment visa dependents, a copy of a marriage certificate and visa (in case of spouse) and copy of birth certificate and visa (in case of children)
  • Employment in NGO (E-3 Volunteer) Visa:
  • If applications sponsored/supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the following information in the supporting letter needs to be mentioned:
  • Name of Sponsoring German NGO
  • Source of funding of the said NGO
  • Activities in which NGO is involved in Germany
  • Key persons of the NGO
  • Office address of the NGO
  • Entry Visa is mainly given to a person of Indian origin and spouse & children of an Indian citizen/person of Indian origin/OCI cardholder or for specific purposes as decided by the Mission/Consulate. Registration is required in FRRO/FRO if the stay is more than 6 months.
  • This visa category is for applicants who is/are:-
  • A person of Indian origin (X-1).
  • Spouse and children of a person of Indian nationality or origin (X-1).
  • Applicants coming to join Auroville Foundation / Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry / Missionaries of Charity, Kolkata / similar approved organizations, temples and foreign Buddhist monks coming to join Buddhist Monasteries/other Buddhist organizations for charity work (X-2).
  • Foreigners owning property in India (X-Misc).
  • Entry visa applications for voluntary work in NGOs will be rejected as not eligible.

Documents required:

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • If the applicant is of Indian origin (born Indian) and has held an Indian passport in the past (one of the documents mentioned below to be attached with the application form):
  • A copy of their “Surrender Certificate”
  • A copy of their cancelled Indian passport
  • If the applicant is Spouse of Indian national/ person of Indian origin (the documents mentioned below to be attached with the application form):
    • A copy of marriage certificates
    • A copy of passport/ Surrender Certificate of Indian Passport/ OCI Card issued to the Spouse of the applicant.
    • In case of a Minor child, Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate of the parents with a consent letter signed by both parents/ if one parent, a copy of custody letter from local court.
    • If the applicant wishes to join Auroville Foundation / Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry / Missionaries of Charity, Kolkata / similar approved organizations, temples, Buddhist Monasteries/other Buddhist organizations for charity work: Official invitation letter issued by the Secretary of Auroville Foundation / Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry / Missionaries of Charity, Kolkata / similar approved organizations, temples, Buddhist Monasteries/other Buddhist organizations. This document must be provided in its original sealed envelope.
    • If the applicant owns property and intends to reside in India: Copy of letter from the Reserve Bank of India granting permission to acquire property in India and Proof of ownership of the property in India.
  • Film Visa is issued for the purpose of shooting a feature film/reality TV & Web Shows/Series, Commercial TV Serials/Shows and Web Shows/Series in India. The application for such cases will be processed only after approval from the Consulate General of India, Hamburg (Germany) or the Consulate as per jurisdiction on case to case basis.
  • Film visa processing time may be longer depending upon the case.
  • Those interested in making documentaries in India may contact Consulate General of India, Hamburg (Germany) or Consulates as per jurisdiction. For visa applicants residing in Hamburg (Germany), please fix appointment at email ID: Please also fill up the application and furnish details as mentioned therein along with an undertaking. An approval for documentary filming may take up to 8 weeks from the date of submission of application complete in all respects.
  • No registration will be required with Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO)/ Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) if the stay during each visit does not exceed 6 months. If the intention of the foreigner on Film visa is to stay for more than 6 months, he/she should get himself/herself registered with the FRRO/FRO concerned within two weeks after the expiry of 6 months. Further, if the aggregate stay in India on Film Visa exceeds 6 months in a calendar year, the foreigner will have to get registered with the FRRO/FRO concerned.

Documents Required:

  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Four copies of the detailed shooting script in case of feature film and detailed concept in case of TV show/TV serials, details of visiting film crew and location of film shooting.
  • A letter of intent regarding the shooting of the film in India, mentioning the production schedule or the dates of shooting, particulars of the cast and crew coming to India for the purpose of the shoot/production, chosen location, list of filming equipment (if any) that is being brought into the country and other relevant details. This letter should be in the company letterhead and written in English.
  • Authorization letter from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in India.

Professional journalists, photographers, documentary film producers or Directors (other than of commercial films), representatives of a radio and/or television organization, travel writers/ travel promotion photographers etc;

Journalists going for tourism purposes, may be granted a "Journalist visa" for Tourism purpose only. Visa is granted for a period up to three months. For longer-term visas, please apply in advance with full justification.

Those going on assignments need to fill up online application for Journalist visa and fix an appointment with the Press Officer of the Embassy at email Id: .


Documents required:

  • Duly filled online paper visa application form at

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.

  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit

  • Copy of the address proof.

  • Fee.

  • If the applicant is going for professional reasons: A letter from the employer specifying the exact purpose of the visit and the expected start and end dates. This letter should be on company letterhead and written in English.

  • If the applicant is going for personal reasons: An undertaking stating that the applicant is going for tourism and not for reporting nor will be involved in any journalistic activity.

  • If the applicant is going for documentary/advertisement shooting in India or professional work: Application; Undertaking; Synopsis of the documentary; Exact locations with dates for filming; List of cinematic equipment to be used; List/full details of crew members etc. Detailed information can also be found on the link: 

A new visa regime i.e. AYUSH Visa (AY) has been introduced for foreigners visiting India for treatment under Ayush System/Indian Systems of Medicine viz. Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.

The treatment can be taken through any hospital/Wellness centre accredited and registered with any Government authority(ies) concerned or accredited hospitals providing Ayush services. Similarly, Ayush Visa can be obtained for medical attendant accompanying the patient.

Documents required:

  • Duly filled online paper visa application form at

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.

  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit

  • Copy of the address proof of Germany.

  • Copy of the Residence permit of Germany, if applicable.

  • Supporting medical documents from an accredited Ayush Institution where the visitor would be treated and prescription/medical history document necessitating the treatment, duly stamped by concerned accredited hospital of the foreigner’s country of origin or country of domicile.

  • Recommendation letter from a Doctor/Hospital in Germany.

  • Last 03 months Bank statement with sufficient balance to cover the cost of stay in India, including expenses for medical treatment.

  • In respect of minor child: copy of Birth certificate of child, copy of passports of both parents. Visa application for minor child to be signed by both parents.

  • Prescribed fee.

This category of visa will be applicable to foreign nationals whose sole purpose is to seek medical treatment in established/recognized/specialized hospitals/treatment centres in India.

  • Medical visa for the purpose of medical treatment is granted for up to one year with maximum of three entries.
  • If Medical visa/Medical Attendant visa is issued for a period of 6 months or less, no registration with FRRO/FRO would be required.
  • Minor children accompanying a parent, who intends to come for medical treatment on a Medical visa may be given Entry (‘X’) visa co-terminus with the Medical visa of the principal visa holder.

Documents required:

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Letter from the hospital/institution in India confirming the applicants admission for medical treatment.
  • Letter from the Hospital/ Doctor in Germany attesting the requirement for treatment in India.
  • In case of a Minor child, a consent letter signed by both parents/ if one parent, a copy of custody letter from local court.
  • Bank Statement with sufficient balance to meet medical expenditure.
  • A Medical Attendant visa is given to those who are accompanying a patient. Maximum of two persons(attendant or family member) are permitted with a patient. The duration of the visa is co-terminus with the medical visa of the patient.

Documents required:

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements,  visit:
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Letter from the hospital/institution in India confirming the admission of the patient for medical treatment and details of the dependant/ attendant with complete Name, passport number, relation with the patient.
  • A Missionary visa is applicable to a missionary/Religious worker of approved organisations.

Documents required:

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Invitation from Indian missionary institution mentioning the purpose, duration of stay and destination of visit.
  • Mission letter from the sponsoring organization in Germany and invitation letter from the organization in India indicating intended destination in India, expected length of stay, and nature of work to be discharged to be attached along with a guarantee for applicant's maintenance while in India.
  • Mountaineering visa is applicable to Foreign Nationals coming for mountaineering expeditions. Applications for visas for India from foreigners desiring to undertake mountaineering expeditions need to be submitted at least 5 months in advance of the proposed visit, along with supporting documents.

Documents required:

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Letter from the organisation planning the expedition addressed to the Consulate General of India, Hamburg (Germany) specifying the exact purpose of the applicant's visit and expected start and end dates on origanisation's letterhead.
  • Duly filled in "Application for climbing the Indian Himalayas by Foreigners" ( 3 copies) for obtaining clearance from the Indian Mountainering Foundation and MHA.
  • Student visa is applicable to bonafide students to pursue on-campus, full time (structured) courses at educational institutions/ university or technological institute, take part in an academic exchange program duly recognized by statutory regulatory body and have acquired statutory authorization to conduct the course(s) complying with GST regulations for regular studies at recognized institutions in India and to persons going for studying Yoga, Vedic Culture, Indian systems of dance/music/Buddhist studies, etc., professors or scholars intending to conduct research work in India and applicants intending to pursue internship in an Indian Company/Educational Institution/NGO, Foreign Missions/Posts and foreign government organizations in India. The visa is valid for the period of study up to a maximum period of five years.
    • Sub Categories of Student Visa:
      • S-1: For higher education (including in South Asian University and Nalanda University), provisional student visa, for short term courses and those coming under Student Exchange Programme.
      • S-2: For school education
      • S-3: For studies in Yoga, Vedic culture and Indian systems of Music and Dance and Buddhist studies
      • S-4: For Theological studies and for Missionary students
      • S-5: For Research scholar, visiting Research faculty, research scholar on bilateral exchange programme, members of Botanical, Scientific, Anthropological etc expeditions
      • S-6: For those coming for internship in India (including those coming under French VIE programme).
      • S-1X/S-3X/S-5X: For dependents of those coming under S-1 and S-3 and S-5 visas.
  • Registration with FRRO/FRO having jurisdiction over the place where the foreigner intends to stay is required within 14 days from the date of arrival, if visa is issued for more than 6 months.
  • Student (S-6) visa is also granted to those intending to pursue internship in Indian companies/educational institutions/NGOs/foreign Missions or Posts in India/foreign Government organisations sponsoring the foreign national/Indian and foreign media organizations valid up to a period of one year.
  • S-6 Visa will be granted (a) at any time during the course of study, or (b) after completion of graduation/ post graduation but the gap between completion of graduation/post graduation and the commencement of the internship should not be more than two years.
  • In case the internship is with a Company, the internee should draw a minimum remuneration of INR 3,60,000 per annum. There will be no minimum salary limit in the case of internship in educational institutions and NGOs. Earnings from internship with Indian Companies/Educational Institutions/NGOs will be subject to the Indian Income Tax regulations.
  • Under no circumstances, the intern will be allowed to take up employment in India immediately after completion of the internship programme.
  • Student (S-6) visa for Internship at German Missions in India:
  • Application must be supported by the Verbal note from Foreign office of Germany and Verbal note/ official letter from concerned German mission in India addressed to Minister (Consular).
  • Visa applications with official Passport may be issued official visa on gratis basis. However, if regular passport holder, then Student (S-6) visa for internship may be issued after seeking the clearance.
  • Registration with Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO)/Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) is required within 14 days of arrival in India, if continuous stay is for more than 6 months.

Documents required

  • Valid Passport for at least 6 months duration and two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Letter of admission from a recognised Indian educational institution with duration of the course.
  • Invitation letter from the company/organization/agency based in India sponsoring the applicant for the internship programme.
  • A letter from the concerned institute in Germany.
  • Proof of registration of the company/organisation in India.
  • A letter of financial support/ Bank statement from parent/guardian.
  • No objection letter from Parents to study abroad for applicants below 18  years.
  • To note: Grant of Intern visa for those intending to pursue internship in NGOs will be subject to prior clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Please apply for the visa well in advance, as the process can take time.

  Student Visa is also granted for Research work up to a maximum period of three years.

  • The Visa can also be issued to foreign professors, teachers and scholars who are invited as visiting faculty on an invitation from a Central educational institution or publicly funded State University.
  • Grant of S Visa to the members of Botanical, Scientific, Anthropological etc., expedition would be subject to approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The applicants are advised to apply at least four months in advance, giving full information on the following points :
  • (a): Name, nationality and bio-data of the persons forming the party ;
  • (b) the areas which the party desires to visit in India ;
  •  (c) the purpose of the expedition ;
  • (d) the proposed duration of stay in India ;
  • (e) details of the manner in which the expedition is proposed to be financed ;
  • (f) if any foreign organization is sponsoring the expedition, full background material about the sponsor; and (g) the name of the Indian collaborator/institution, if any, connected with the organization of the expedition. 
  • Members of the expedition may be required to take with them a liaison officer deputed by the agency concerned of the Government of India. Approval of the designated agency of the Government of India will also be necessary to take out of India any specimens collected during the expedition as per conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Science & Technology and other agencies concerned.
  • Such expeditions will NOT be permitted to visit any protected, restricted or tribal area without the specific permission of the Ministry of Home Affairs. 
  • Registration with FRRO/FRO having jurisdiction over the place where the foreigner intends to stay is required within 14 days from the date of arrival if visa is issued for more than 6 months.

Additional documents required for Research related work

  • Submission of subject of research project, details of places to be visited, previous visits, whether the scholar has secured admission to a recognized or reputed institution and evidence of financial resources along with the application.
  • Letter of admission from the Indian institutions.
  • In cases which involve research on subjects related to the foreigner’s own country, the research scholar will be required to furnish a brief synopsis of the research proposal in about 150 words and giving full justification (including the benefit he/she would get) for doing the research in India.
  • Invitation letter for foreigners who are invited as visiting faculty.
  • Tourist visa is granted to foreigners whose sole objective of visiting India is recreation, sightseeing, meeting friends or relatives, attending a short term yoga programme (not exceeding 6 months duration and not issued with a qualifying certificate/diploma etc.), short duration medical treatment including treatment under Indian systems of medicine, short term courses in local languages, music, dance, arts & crafts, cooking, medicine etc. which should not be a formal or structured course/programme (courses not exceeding 6 months duration and not issued with a qualifying certificate/diploma etc.) and voluntary work of short duration (for a maximum period of one month, which does not involve any monetary payment or consideration of any kind in return) etc. and no other purpose/activity.
  • Tourist visa is non-extendable and non-convertible (except under certain conditions for which Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) or Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) may be contacted).
  • Registration with FRRO/FRO is not required provided continuous stay in India does not exceed 6 months.
  • For five-year duration visa, registration is required if continuous stay exceeds ninety days.
  • If Journalist applied for Tourist visa – Need to apply only for Journalist visa.

Documents required

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • In case of a Minor child, a consent letter signed by both parents/ if one parent, a copy of custody letter from local court.
  • (iv) Bank statement with sufficient balance to meet expenditure.

Note : There should be a gap of at least two months between two visits to India on a Tourist Visa on re-entry of nationals of Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Sudan, foreigners of Pakistan origin and Stateless persons.

  • A Transit visa granted for travel through India is valid for entry within 15 days of date of issue for a maximum stay of 3 days. For a stay in India beyond 3 days, an appropriate visa should be obtained.
  • A foreign national (other than a Pakistani national) on Transit visa will be allowed to avail facilities provided under Tourist Visa. However, if the foreigner intends to perform some work or business in India, irrespective of the duration of his/her proposed stay, he/she should obtain a visa of the appropriate category.
  • A person who desires to make two entries into India in transit in the course of the same journey can be granted a transit visa valid for two entries and for stay in transit for a period not exceeding 3 days for each journey.
  • A Transit visa is not required by a foreigner passing through, in direct transit by air, and travelling onward through India, provided he/she does not leave the specified juridiction of the airport.
  • A Transit visa is not required by a foreigner who does not leave the ship while it halts at an Indian port.
  • For transit period less than 24 hours in Indian Port, applicant is required to clarify from their Airline and destination airport authority if transit visa is required.

Documents required

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Valid travel documents for the country of destination and the countries en route.
  • Evidence of onward travel outside India - confirmed air ticket for onward journey.
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Visa is issued only after clearance is received from MHA.
  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Relevant documents as per visa category.
  • Visa may be issued only after clearance is received from MHA.

Afghan nationals who desire to travel to India are required to apply for an Emergency X-Misc Visa on the e-visa portal at .

Afghan nationals entering India on X-Misc visa will have to register with the FRRO/FRO within 7 days of their arrival in India. If they are moving from their registered place of stay to another place, they will have to further register mandatorily with the FRRO/FRO concerned at the new place of residence.

  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Relevant document as indicated under visa categories.
  • Except for Tourist visa/Transit visa/Medical visa/Business visa/Conference visa/Sports visa, Visa is issued only after clearance is received from MHA (subject to fulfilment of other conditions).
  • Passport valid for a minimum of 6 months with at least two blank pages.
  • One photograph. For photo requirements, visit
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Relevant document as indicated under visa categories.
  • It is advised that applicants, apply for visa much in advance as the processing takes longer than usual.
  • In certain cases, Visa will be issued only after clearance is received from MHA.